These past few weeks since I posted the re-construction of this new blog a lot of new and exciting things have happened and I wanted to share it all with you first!  I've been playing with the idea of shutting down the clothesline blog and doing a totally new one but with that being said I took some time to read back over my comments both here and at facebook about the blog posts I've done here in the past.  I also had the help of my traffic counter here at otcl that lets me know when you guys visit.  I am humbled by all of you that visit almost daily to check out what may be going on here.  It is because of that traffic I have decided to keep this blog I truly love along with its original theme.

In keeping with the theme of this blog I will continue to write about the misadventures of my life as a mom, career woman and writer.  I know that I enjoy telling you guys about some of the crazy things that happen to me like the fortune cookie incident!  I would also love in the future to get a few of my friends who are all juggling careers, children and every day life to write your verson of the day in the life of (insert your name here).  So beware you guys are about to get involved!  I want to do this because sometimes real life is just plain entertaining and besides I can not be the only one that has a day straight out of the Twilight Zone!

The second important news I have to share with you all is I have created a new blog for my writing.  I am so excited about this blog.  I have been thinking about setting it up for awhile and can not wait to see what all of you think.  This new blog will give you exerpts from my novel in the making, plus lots of information on the characters and hopefully some author guest bloggers. I would also love for you to become memebers of both blogs because this lets me see who my members are.

The new blog will be focusing on my writing as I try to complete my book and get it published. I want this blog to serve as a place to keep you informed of my progress as well as a personal journal for me as I try to take this novel to its completion.  I have so much faith and thank God every day for the gift of imagination and all I want to do is sit down with all of my friends and tell the wonderful story of Nikolas and Abby and the rest of the characters that make up a breath taking story.  I will also be asking for honest feedback from the things I post there because it will be sincere concerns I have that will have an impact on my WIP. 

Okay it's late and I have taken sleep meds to try and unload these grocery bags under my eyes so I'm not going to unveil the site until tomorrow but with that being said, I want to leave you a pic to kind of get you guys excited.  Once again if you come to realize anything when you visit here please know that you inspire me to keep forging ahead to write the greatest story in the world with my novel and to entertain you with the stories of the things that happen in my day to day life but most important I want to thank you all for being so loyal because without you this blog or the new one wouldn't exist. 

Love and Hugs,
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